We invite you to visit the group exhibit “Inspiring Change for the Climate Crisis @ Brickbottom” curated by artist and scientist Adriana G. Prat. This exhibit presents work by the i3C (inspiring Change for the Climate Crisis) Artists Group and Brickbottom Art Association (BAA) guest artist Pauline Lim, with the goal of encouraging creative action to help reverse the environmental crisis. Twenty two multidisciplinary artists explore environmental themes such as consumerism, pollution, climate crisis impacts, and the beauty, vulnerability, and interconnectedness of the natural world.
Krisanne Baker, Steve Bennett, Sarah Meyers Brent, Cedric Harper, Martha Heller, Muriel Horvath, Pauline Lim, CJ Lori, Michelle Lougee, Rebecca McGee Tuck, Michael Manning, Shelby Meyerhoff, Michaela Morse, Carol Moses, Michaela Nielsen (assistant to the curator), Jeffrey Nowlin, Paula Pitman Brown, Steven Rudin, Luna Sconty, Yulia Shtern, Cynthia Staples, and Adriana G. Prat (curator).
Pictured: “Silently, Immersed in a Dream”. Pauline Lim, 2021. Acrylic on canvas. 22″x28″