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Figuring Our World: Sally B. Moore & C.A. Stigliano

FIGURING OUR WORLD is a sculpture show in which two old friends and good artists talk to each other about what is happening  in the world around us right now.

Sally B. Moore and C.A. Stigliano are both working in response to a dramatic (and dramatically changing) political, cultural and social landscape. While both use the figure as a primary element in their visual vocabulary, they respond in different, but complementary ways. 

Moore’s work suggests the precariousness of the human predicament as we teeter on the brink of our own bad planning, seemingly unable to look forward or backward. Her work shows a sensitivity to the futility of being human in these complex and frightening times. Working in wire, paper, paper clay, and fabric, the work suggests solidity while reminding us just how fragile our position in this world is.

Stigliano, working only in wood, tends to focus on the darker side of the contemporary world. His relief work, in particular, speaks not only of our current state of affairs, but of darker times to come.

Opening reception is Saturday September 7, 3-5 pm

Closing reception is Sunday September 29, 3-5 pm

Sally B. Moore, Encounter, 2023

C.A. Stigliano, WAR in HEAVEN II, Battle for the Soul of the Planet, Poplar 25x39”

July 11

BAA Members Show: Black and White

October 10

Glyphs: Jo Sandman